Chicken Burger

with Spicy Thai Jam


If you like a spicy burger, this is it! I’ve found that Thai Clementine jam goes really well with chicken, so I’ve put together this chicken burger.   The chicken can be cooked in the oven or on top of the BBQ.  If you want to brush the chicken breasts with some of the jam while cooking, heat the jam to thin it before spreading on the meat.  If barbequing, watch it closely as the sugar content in the jam can cause it to burn quickly.  As part of a delicious summer picnic, add a potato salad made with home canned potatoes. 

Chicken Burger with Spicy Thai Clementine Jam

Yield 2 Burgers


2 chicken breasts
Salt and pepper or seasoning of your choice
2 Brioche or sour dough buns
Thai Clementine Jam
Sliced Beefsteak tomato
Sweet white onion



  1. Season chicken breast with salt and pepper or a seasoning of your choice.  Cook for 15 to 20 minutes at 450°F or until internal temperature reaches 165°F. 

  2. Heat a couple of tablespoons of Thai Clementine jam and spread on the bun.

  3. Add lettuce, sliced tomato and sliced sweet onion.

  4. Add cooked chicken breast and enjoy.

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